10 Things You Probably Didn’t Know about B


Let’s get a little personal. Dive down into what makes me me and see if you have any secrets or characteristics that are the same. 10 things you probably don’t know about me…Let the games begin.

1. I have a keen sense of smell. I can smell something before it’s done cooking. If it’s a terrble smell, don’t worry I will be the first to let you know. Tell me if this has happened to you before. You walk into a restaurant and you are seated next to a couple who’s perfume smells stronger than all the food that restaurant has made that night. Sometimes it can become nauseating and difficult to enjoy your food.

2. I don’t drink water while I eat. I never noticed this until my friends pointed it out, but I can go through a whole meal without taking a sip of any beverage. Most people think I am crazy, and this thought is amplified especially after I eat a spicy dish. I never have water with dinner and milk with dinner seems outrageously weird for me. I have to remind myself to drink water daily in order to stay healthy.

3. I love the water. I have an obsession with the beach, lakes, watching the waves of the ocean. It is calming and reminds me of all the cities I have traveled to in Europe. When you look out on a body of water it looks endless like it goes on forever and ever. The calm, peaceful waves and even the sound of the ocean is calming to me. I have decided that I will live by the water. I like to wake up to that sight and go to bed watching the waves crash against the shore.

4. I secretly love the winter but complain about how cold I am all year round. Yup, I’m one of those. I love the progression of the seasons. As depressing as it may seem, I love when the leaves fall, the trees become bare, and snow begins to glisten our roadways. I secretly obsess over Thanksgiving and Christmas because I love decorations, the spirit of the holidays and the concept of family coming together. Ironic, considering this is the opposite for my mother.

5. I am a Pinterest addict. If Pinterest would pay me to pin and repin and create pins I would be set for life. But that’s not how it works. I love to see and be able to learn from and expand upon other people’s ideas. I love that I can have a vision board right on my laptop. I love that everything is in one spot and the tutorials, and materials I need are just a click away.

6. I am an organization-a-holic. I like to know where everything is. I have a different binder for all of the activities I partake in. My taxes could be a little more organized but they have files too. Even things that I find that aren’t mine are filed away in a folder. I think it is important to have all of your things squared away before you can go out there and try to help someone else.

7. I run my own business B Boards. It started by just being bored at my job. I started to rewrite the draft boards at the bar and boom! A business formed. I now have my own website, have been featured in online magazines with the help of my dear friend Louis Garbarini, Illumination PR & JWoww. I make custom gifts for weddings, bridal showers, baby showers, birthday, housewarming & even go into restaurants and update their boards. It has turned into quite the little at-home business. 

8. Family over everything. My family comes first. Always. They have always been there for me. I will always be there for them. Our bond is a little different than others but that’s the beauty of it. I have four friends I can always run to in times of need and in times of joy.

9. I would love to learn another language. It is fun to learn not only a language but also the culture of the language and how their minds work and the different perspectives people can have just from living in a certain area.

10. I didn’t like reading in elementary school, middle school or even high school. In fact, it wasn’t until the end of college til I realized that reading allows you to either escape your reality for a brief moment, or gives you an opportunity to learn, practice and apply values and tools into your own life. I have read more books this year than I have in my entire life.

I hope you learned a little something about me. I would love to learn more about you. Regardless of your age, you can live the life you always imagined. Learn about yourself. See what it can do for you. Try new things. Learn new things. Talk to new people. Life is about finding yourself. Who are you? What kind of life do you want to live?

Always Be.You.Tiful

Love B

B Boards Featured Articles for JWoww’s Bridesmaid Boxes

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